Most Popular Spring Flowering Evergreen Shrubs

Spring Blooming Evergreen Shrubs

Spring-blooming evergreen shrubs are a great addition to any yard and landscape.

After 10 years, I learned that the one constant in the nursery business is change. Every season, new varieties of popular shrubs are introduced. You have a LOT of choices.

I had an online nursery owner I used to work with who was like a kid in a candy store. They would get excited and want to sell all the new introductions. I used to joke that if they owned a restaurant, they would have a 30-page menu.

The other thing I learned uthat is nique to online retail nurseries is that many of the tried & true favorites will still be best-sellers. While the ‘new & improved’ plants get all of the attention, they’re also for sale at just about every garden center you can go to.

Online, it’s the plants people are more familiar with that people would buy more of. Don’t get me wrong, online you can find everything, shop from the comfort of your home & get them delivered to you.

But if you want to find out what sells best, here’s my list.


Best-Selling Spring Flowering Evergreen Shrubs


spring bouquet viburnum
Viburnum blooms close up

Spring Bouquet Viburnum

In general, viburnums are easy to grow and maintain. There are evergreen, semi-evergreen, and deciduous viburnums. There are viburnum varieties that grow anywhere from 3 to 20 feet in height.

Spring Bouquet Viburnum is one of the first bloomers in early spring. Clusters of small, white blooms open up first as pink and then change over to white. They have a unique honey-like aroma that will attract pollinators.

Blue to black berries in summer will be enjoyed by birds.

Rated for grow zones 7 through 9, Spring Bouquet Viburnum have no major disease or pest issues and are deer resistant.

View Spring Bouquet Viburnum Prices


mahonia blooms
Keeping Bees Busy

Mahonia Aquifolium  – Oregon Grape Holly

The uniqueness of this shrub, along with the amazing fragrance of their yellow blooms, is enough to be on any list of top spring-blooming shrubs.

It puts a smile on my face every year. At some point in late winter, I walk in the back yard and catch a whiff of that sweet fragrance.  You get close,r and you find all the honey bees going after the nectar. You know spring weather can’t be too far away.

If you’re looking for a unique-looking evergreen hedge, Mahonia shrubs may be for you. Their thick, pointy leaves are similar to hollies. The dainty, bell-shaped yellow blooms are one of the first to arrive in spring. The amazing fragrance is similar to lily-of-the-valley. Waxy blue fruit in summer resembles grapes.

There are Mahonia varieties suitable for grow zones 6 through 9, including a few newer, dwarf varieties. The smaller Mahonia shrubs are great for containers around your porch or patio.

View Mahonia Shrub Prices For Sale Online


Encore Azalea (rhododendron) blooms
Encore Azalea (rhododendron) blooms

Encore® Azaleas

Azaleas, part of the rhododendron family, are no longer just a southern sensation with a 2-week display of vividly colored blooms.

The introduction of the Encore® Azaleas has not only brought this evergreen shrub to colder climates (up to zone 5) but they also provide blooms multiple times of the year.

There are 31 different Encore Azaleas now available. With on-going introductions of new varieties Encore® Azaleas are easier to grow and now come in a wide variety of bloom colors.

A couple of the earliest introductions remain among the most popular. This includes Autumn Fire and Autumn Royalty.

View Encore Azalea Best Prices


Pieris bloomsPieris Japonica - Andromeda

Popular for decades, Pieris shrubs are hardy from grow zones 5 to 8. These are shade-tolerant evergreen shrubs that feature dangling clusters of small, bell-shaped flowers that can range in color from white to pink.

The blooms can start out as early as March and have a very distinctive fragrance.

These are a great alternative to use along the front of your home as foundation plants, especially around your entryway. Mountain Fire remains one of the best-sellers.

View Pieris For Sale Online


Loropetalum flowersLoropetalum – Chinese Fringe Flower

Loropetalum, also known as Chinese Fringe Flower, has varieties hardy from zones 7 through 9. These have always been a professional landscaper's favorite and have become a best-seller in southern regions in the past decade.

They have dense foliage,are easy to grow, and are also drought tolerant and resistant to most pests and deer.

Loropetalums are sun loving but will also work well in part shade, they just may not flower as much.  The dainty flowers will emerge shortly after the first warm spell of the year and re-bloom through summer and into fall until the first hard freeze.

They are great as a stand-alone ornamental shrub. Some can be pruned to be a shorter hedge.  Others can grow up to 10 feet tall and are used as unique privacy hedges. Green to purple foliage & blooms that dangle, ranging from pink to purple (depending on the variety).

The Chinese Fringe Flowers do not have a fragrance, but the shrubs covered with these unique, bright blooms will not disappoint.

View Loropetalum Prices


Gardenia BuyEvergreenShrubs.comDwarf Radicans Gardenia

The fragrant white spring flowers and deep green, glossy foliage make Gardenia shrubs a staple of many gardens. There are Gardenias that are hardy for grow zones 6 through 11.

Like other favorites, Gardenias have seen a number of new introductions in the past few years. But among Gardenias, the Dwarf Radicans is one of the most unique, making it a best-seller.

Dwarf Radicans is low growing and used as a colorful evergreen ground cover.

The star-shaped flowers bloom from spring into early summer and have a wonderful fragrance. Dwarf Radicans Gardenia grow well in partially shaded areas. This makes the Dwarf Radicans Gardenia popular to plant around and under taller shrubs and trees.

View Dwarf Radicans Gardenia Prices


View all flowering shrubs for sale online from top rated online nurseries.