Golden Hahnii Birdsnest Snake Plant

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Sansevierias or as they are commonly called Snake Plants or Mother-in-law’s Tongue The sansevieria is also referred to as a dragon for its many unique qualities. As with many Asian martial arts techniques, the strength comes from within. The sansevieria has been known to split large earthen pots upon reaching larger sizes. The Chinese have usually kept this plant potted in a pot within a ceramic pot often ornated with dragons and phoenixes. The attraction of this plant towards dragons is said to be magnetic.

An interesting research program has been done by NASA using a few selected plants (one is Sansevieria) for air purification and to curb “Sick Building Syndrome.” Growing the Snake Plant is easy. It will thrive in very bright light to almost dark corners of the house. Just water when the soil is dry.

‘Gold Hahnii’ is a rare hybrid with buttery yellow leaves accented by green vertical stripes. The leaves form a tight rosette, the size of a bird’s nest, and the plant only grows 6-8” tall. This member of the Agave family is a low maintenance succulent that only needs watering once or twice a month and performs well in full sun-to shade. Sansevierias act as indoor air purifiers removing toxins from indoor environments. Grow in well-drained soil and bring soil to a state of dryness between watering.

  • Commonly called Snake Plants or Mother-in-law’s Tongue
  • In China, it was kept as a treasured houseplant because the Eight Gods bestowed their eight virtues on those who grew them
  • Extremely hardy house plant, difficult to kill
  • Will grow in dim light, water when dry