Sea Magic Organic Growth Activator

SKU: 1858 Category:


Gardeners can’t say enough good things about Sea Magic, the dry soluble seaweed extract to add to water to boost the vigor of everything you grow: fruit and vegetable crops, flowers, fruits, lawns, and houseplants. Winners in tomato-growing contests and strawberry and raspberry growers have credited seaweed for their successful bumper crops. We use it everywhere regularly-on flower beds, shrubbery, fruits and vegetable crops. Sea Magic all-natural formula promotes robust growth, bountiful blooms and better-tasting crops. Made from seaweed harvested in the North Atlantic, Sea Magic micro-nutrients, amino acids, growth-promoting and disease-fighting powers help deliver magical yields. Sea Magic is super-concentrated-a single packet makes up to 60 gallons-enough to treat all your plants for months. Apply every two or three weeks.