String of Turtles

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Peperomia prostrata is a small, vining plant with round succulent leaves that are green with white veins. It will cascade over any surface the plant can anchor to. It prefers moderate light. Allow to dry out slightly between waterings. Peperomia prostrata’s small size and delicate leaves make it a great plant for container gardens and terrariums. Although this is a spreading plant, it is easy to prune to keep under control. Peperomia prostrata will form a thick mat and does well in hanging baskets where it will cascade over the sides of the pot.

  • Terrarium, Fairy Garden or House Plant
  • Proper name: Peperomia prostrata
  • Hardy in zones 9-11 or indoors
  • Easy to grow indoors or out

How much light do String of Turtle houseplants require?

They prefer direct light. A few hours a day near a sunny window will help them grow much healthier.

Is String of Turtles a succulent?

String of Turtle plants are considered semi-succulent

How much water does String of Turtles require?

Not much! You should make sure the soil is dry before watering. Roughly once every two to three weeks.