Also called ‘Clean Air’, air purifying house plants can help clean the air in your home of pollution and toxins. Some people prefer larger leaf house plants such as some Philodendron and Monstera varieties. They believe the larger leaves serve as a better filter to help purify the air. Others prefer the more sleek & stylish snake plants.
Whatever you prefer, there’s a huge selection of house plants for sale online that are touted as air purifying. Many are easy to grow and do not require a lot of light or maintenance.
Click on any product to view the lowest prices from our top rated online nurseries.
Costa Farms has a great reputation within the industry. They were founded in 1961 and are one of the largest horticultural growers in the world. You cannot shop from their website directly, but you can buy their houseplants on the Home Depot website. Home Depot has a pretty large selection of houseplants for sale with almost all of them qualifying for free shipping on orders over $45.
You can buy houseplants on Walmart. Yes, Walmart! They work with multiple nurseries to ship a wide variety of house plants to your door. We ordered 3 houseplants from Walmart, got free shipping and the houseplants were awesome. You can shop house plants at Walmart here.
Anyone who has spent any time growing vegetables from seed are probably familiar with the Burpee catalog. Burpee has been selling seeds and plants since 1881! They’re online store at offers a huge selection of heirloom seeds and plants, vegetables, flowers, herbs, perennials, and yes, house plants. Their prices are reasonable and their reputation has stood strong for over 130 years.
Hirt’s Gardens
Located in central Ohio just a little south of Cleveland, Hirt’s Gardens describes themselves online as; “one of Ohio’s oldest horticultural establishments.”. They could also be considered the low price leader for house plants. We have seen prices as low as $2.99. They have a huge selection, mostly 2 to 4 inch pots. They also have most of their houseplant collection available on Amazon. Simply because the ship costs are better, many of the ‘Shop Now’ buttons on Hirt’s Garden house plants we list will send you to their product listing on Amazon. If there are no special savings, we just send you to that particular product on their website.
Garden Goods Direct
We have actually visited the facilities at Garden Goods Direct. They seem to really care about sending quality plants and have a good selection of popular houseplants. Most sizes will be a bit larger then what Hirt’s Gardens sells. But, you can also expect to pay more. Garden Goods Direct also has an Amazon store and we will link there for most of the house plants we list prices on for them. Ship costs when buying direct from their website are usually a lot more then buying from their Amazon store.
Brighter Blooms
Full disclosure; I have a previous relationship working for the parent company that owned That was almost a decade ago. They do carry a decent selection of “indoor” plants but the list includes most of their citrus trees. The list of actual house plants is a bit smaller. Despite our bad experience with their sister website (Unboxing Meyer Lemon tree from Fast Growing Trees), we have actually ordered houseplants from Brighter Blooms & were very pleased. In most cases, we will link you to their Amazon Store. You can get MUCH better overall deals when you include shipping cost.
Do air purifying plants work?
A NASA Clean Air Study concluded that several plants can improve the air quality in your home. The study by NASA found that these particular plants actively remove chemical pollutants, such as toluene and xylene, from indoor air. All house plants contribute to purifying the air by removing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
How many houseplants does it take to purify the air?
Roughly one plant per 100 square feet of room space. This is based on a plant in a 6 to 8 inch container.
Which plants are best for cleaning the air?
Ferns such as the Boston Fern, Snake plants, Aloe Vera, Philodendron, Spider plants and Dracaena plants are the most popular.
Is it okay to have houseplants in the bedroom?
Yes! There are many house plants that will do just fine in low light conditions that can also help purify your bedroom air.