Dwarf Mugo Pine (Pumillo)

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Pumillo Mugo Pine, commonly referred to as Dwarf Mugo Pine, has dark green needles on a densely branched conifer shrub. Left to grow naturally it takes a more mounded shape than other Mugo Pines. It provides a unique shape and texture to your yard. New growth shoots upwards, kind of like a candle. The new growth is a lighter green but soon transitions to dark green. Dwarf Mugo Pine has become popular recently planted underneath ornamental trees such as Japanese Maples and weeping tree varieties.

Dwarf Mugo Pine Plant Facts

Botanical Name

Pinus mugo var. pumilio

Foliage Dark Green
Mature Height 3 – 5 feet
Mature Spread 6 – 10 feet
Soil Type Widely Adaptable
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Growth Rate Slow
Grow Zones 3 to 8

USDA Grow Zones 3 to 8

USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8

Dwarf Mugo Pine Care

This is one of the only Mugo Pine shrubs that can handle extensive pruning. Only prune in spring, after new shoots (candles) have grown fully out. This will make your mugo pine be very compact. This is the only time you should do any pruning. Dwarf Mugo Pine can grow in most soil conditions as long as they drain well. The prefer slightly loose soil. Amending your soil at planting time is a good idea. Fertilize your Dwarf Mugo Pine shrubs in the fall and again early spring.  It’s also recommended to use a starter fertilizer when planting. Bio tone Starter Fertilizer is a great option.

Although full sun is preferred, try to avoid planting in areas that get a lot of late afternoon summer sun in the southern grow zones of 7 and 8.