Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree

SKU: 2080 Category:


Blue Chinese Weeping Wisteria are Easy to Grow and to Care For Excellent garden plants, flowers for any garden Prefers part to full sun Perennial comes back year after year Beautiful blooms from spring to summer

Botanical Name: Wisteria sinensis

Growing Zones 5-9

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Blue Chinese Wisteria bloom?

The Blue Chinese Wisteria can bloom for 2-3 months. The gorgeous clusters of flowers are seen from late spring to early summer.

How fast does Blue Chinese Wisteria grow?

The Blue Chinese Wisteria is a very fast grower, growing 3-5 feet a year.

Can the Blue Chinese Wisteria be grown in the shade?

The sun loving Blue Chinese Wisteria will do best in full sun to partial shade.