NEW! Evergreen Tree Price Comparisons

Evergreen tree price comparisons

We’ve just added price comparisons for evergreen trees! You can now price shop 42 different evergreen trees for your yard & landscape. That’s on top of the 173 evergreen shrubs we feature with the lowest prices from our top rated online nurseries. That’s 215 evergreen trees and shrubs to shop from, and we’re adding more every week.

        Citrus Tree Prices

Popular fast-growing privacy trees like the Green Giant Arborvitae (thuja), Cryptomeria Radicans and Leyland Cypress. Cedar trees, Cypress trees, Pine trees, Spruce trees and more! We even list prices for popular dwarf evergreen citrus trees, like the Improved Dwarf Meyer Lemon which starts as low as $25 (from the actual grower).

Best Prices

Never pay too much again! Our prices are automatically updated daily, so you’re always seeing the lowest prices. Sign for our email notifications and we’ll alert you when there’s a drop in price. Or simply bookmark the product page you’re interested in and check back frequently for pricing and availability.

Bigger Selection

Judging from the activity we’ve seen the last few weeks, most nurseries have their spring inventory lined up and are starting to promote their selections. There’s been close to a 30% increase in the number of evergreen trees and shrubs available from our top-rated online nurseries in just the past 2 weeks. Most are offering incentives/discounts to buy now and they will ship at the appropriate time for planting in your area.

Update on Nursery Ratings

Our next update with revised ratings, reviews & grades will come out February 15th. You can review the existing reviews & grades here. Our staff has over 16 years working for some of the largest online nurseries and we’re constantly monitoring and testing all popular websites.  

Just because you may pay more doesn’t necessarily mean you get better quality, and vice versa. We don’t want to just show you the lowest prices but the best prices from the best (in our opinion) nurseries.

We’ve placed 22 orders online.  We’ve revealed 2 of them so far on our blog. A pre-decorated Christmas tree from Jackson & Perkins and an order for 3 Camellia’s from Garden Goods Direct. We will be posting more pictures un-boxing plants from our orders in the coming weeks.